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Rapé should be used ceremonially and one should focus on one’s intentions to achieve best use  - just like with any other spiritual natural medicine.

What is rapé?


Rapé, pronounced ha-peh, has been used by the natives of the Amazon rainforest for generations, both in Peru and Brazil and plays an important role in their culture and way of life. Rapé is considered to be a sacred medicine as the rapé powder can create  direct contact with Mother Earth, which is used in meditations - a tradition especially us in the West have taken to us. In the rainforest where you live in and by nature, rapé is one  strong means of maintaining good contact  Mother Nature.


Rapé cleanses bad energies away from both persons and ceremonial spaces, which is why it is often used diligently by shamans and in connection with ceremonies of almost any kind. Among other things, it works well in connection with ayahuasca ceremonies. Each tribe has its own  mixtures where special rapé shamans are the only ones who know the right mix of ingredients. Each strain therefore has its own mixtures but there are repeats, read more below.  


Rapé should be used ceremonially and one should focus on one’s intentions to achieve the best  used - just as with any other spiritual  nature medicines.

In the picture next to this text, rapé is seen used ceremonially, where a shaman receives rapé from a 'learned' rapé student 😆


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What does rapé consist of?


When describing what rapé consists of, it can be done really simply or really advanced. Quite simply, most rapé mixtures consist primarily of tobacco powder and ash, which in itself does not sound very exciting, but when you combine it with spiritual knowledge, the tobacco becomes a direct hotline for mother earth and the herbs and ashes you use as facilitators for healing. and messages. 


The main ingredient and main ingredient is Nicotiana rustica, which is one of the stronger tobacco plants. The tobacco is dried and crushed to finally sift into a very fine powder which is mixed with finely ground ash and herbs. Depending on the ash and herbs used, rapeseed is said to have different purposes and areas of action. For example, the mixture Tsunu is said to be good at fighting the herpes virus. 

The recipe for a tribe / family's rapé mixes is often kept a secret and inherited. Rapé is considered a 'holy medicina' and is used to call on the forces of nature for healing purposes and to receive the blessings of the rainforests. In other words to keep a good contact to mother nature which provides everything they need to have a good life in the rainforest.

It is believed that the native tribes of South America have used tobacco to cure diseases as far back as the Mayan civilization more than 5000 years ago.

Only with Christopher Columbus' rediscovery of America in 1493 did tobacco find its way to Europe. He learned from using wild tobacco as snuff by the natives.  


Below you can see what the 3 kinds of rapé you can try through me are praised for.


What the individual rapé types are said to work for / against depending on ingredients and ash.


  • Tsunu ash (Platycyamus regnellii)

Strengthens the immune system, positive effect against influenza, Herpes I & II, AIDS / HIV, many types  of tumors and cancer / leukemia, especially in the early stages, hepatitis A & B, anemia, bronchitis and pneumonia. Tsuno has a fever-reducing effect.


  • Forca with murici ash (Byrsonima spicata ao.)

Positive effect against inflammation, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems. It is said to have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. To have a positive effect on infections of the oral cavity and throat, hemorrhoids and in general to strengthen the immune system.


  • Cumaru ash (Dipteryx odorata)

Cumarine is an emenago (herbs that stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus; some of them are used to stimulate the menstrual flow) as well as being diuretic. Has a reputation for positive effect against bronchitis and colds. Positive effect on headaches, strengthens the heart, stimulates the nervous system and having anesthetic.

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