You do not have to sit with kambo if you are in one of the following situations:
Have severe heart problems, including heart surgery or implants.
You have had a stroke or cerebral haemorrhage.
Is on blood pressure lowering medication.
Has high blood pressure (hypertension).
Have had a stroke, aneurysm or blood clot.
Have severe mental health issues with the exception of depression, PTSD and anxiety.
Lacks the mental capacity to make the decision to take Kambo.
Is undergoing chemotherapy, radiation therapy or for 4 weeks afterwards.
Has had an organ transplant or is taking immunosuppressive agents for organ transplantation.
Has Addison's disease
Suffers from or suspect epilepsy
You are recovering from major surgery
Is under 18 years old
Is pregnant or breastfeeding
You have diabetes
Pay special attention
If you are a woman and are menstruating, kambo can intensify your bleeding. Plan if necessary. to attend a session outside of your period.